Workshop – Copernicus Land

Reykjavík, Tuesday 1st October 2024, 09:00-16:00 Cost: Free

Á vinnustofu um landþjónustur Copernicus verða kynningar frá notendum sem sýna raunveruleg tilfelli þar sem landþjónustur Copernicus hafa verið notaðar. Þátttakendur taka þátt í lotum þar sem praktísk dæmi eru könnuð og þeir öðlast innsýn í hvernig þeir geta notað landvöktunarverkfæri á árangursríkan hátt. Vinnustofan ýtir undir samstarf og miðlun á þekkingu sem gerir þátttakendum kleift að nýta verkfærin frá Copernicus betur fyrir eigin verkefni. 

The Copernicus Land Workshop features local presentations by users, showcasing real-world applications of Copernicus Land products. Participants engage in hands-on sessions, exploring practical examples and gaining insights into using land monitoring tools effectively. The workshop fosters collaboration and knowledge-sharing, empowering attendees to leverage Copernicus data for their specific needs.

Webinar link:

09:00-09:10Welcome from organizers and housekeeping information 
09:10-10:15Introduction of the respective data ecosystem, services, tools, and learning materials 
10:15-10:30Q&A and introduction of the next slot 
10:30-11:30Example showcase sessions 
11:30-11:45Q&A and preparation for the practical part 
11:45-12:45Lunch break 
12:45-13:00Introduction to the Hands-On exercises 
13:00-16:00Hands-On exercise sessions