Reykjavík, Friday 4th October 2024, 09:00-16:00 – Cost: Free
Á vinnustofu um lofthjúps- og loftslagsþjónustur Copernicus (e. Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Services (CAMS) og Copernicus Climate Change Services (C3S)) verða kynningar frá notendum lofthjúps- og loftslagsgagna í ýmsum verkefnum. Þátttakendur taka þátt í lotum þar sem praktísk dæmi eru könnuð sem nota verkfæri frá CAMS og C3S. Vinnustofan ýtir undir samstarf og miðlun á þekkingu sem gerir þátttakendum kleift að nýta sér þjónusturnar betur fyrir eigin verkefni.
The Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Services (CAMS) and Copernicus Climate Change Services (C3S) Workshop brings together user presentations on the application of atmospheric and climate data in various projects. Participants engage in hands-on sessions, exploring practical examples that integrate CAMS and C3S tools. The workshop fosters collaboration and knowledge-sharing, empowering attendees to effectively utilize these services for their specific needs.

Webinar link:
Time | Agenda |
09:00-09:05 | Welcome from organizers and housekeeping information – Gunnar Haukur Kristinsson (NÁTT) |
09:05-10:15 | Introduction to the Copernicus and CAMS Data Services: Introduction to NCP Iceland (Pavla Dagsson-Waldhauserová, LBHI) Copernicus data ecosystem, registration to ECMWF / recap eLearning resources and demonstration (Luigi Selmi, ECMWF): Overview of CAMS and of one the available dataset, the CAMS global atmospheric composition forecasts, with a manual selection of the variables used to compute the Air Quality Index. The attendees might have a look at the data using a visualization tool such as Panoply Calculation of the Global Air Quality Index using a Jupyter Notebook and the CDS API to download the same dataset. |
10:15-10:30 | Coffee break |
10:30-11:45 | CAMS, CAMS products and the health hub (Cristina Ananasso, ECMWF) Example showcase sessions: – EarthOS – an operating system for Earth (Hjalti Björn Hrafnkelsson, Smári McCarthy, Ecosophy) – Examples of the use of Copernicus data in research of meso- to large scale climate of Iceland and the Arctic (Philipp Weitzel, Haraldur Olafsson, HI) – Dynamical downscaling of the Copernicus atmospheric re-analysis data (Ólafur Rögnvaldsson, Belgingur) – Data use and data requirements in atmospheric research in Iceland and the Arctic (Haraldur Olafsson, HI) |
11:45-12:45 | Lunch break |
12:45-13:00 | Introduction to the Hands-On exercises |
13:00-16:00 | Hands-On exercise sessions Air quality index: Monitoring emission and assessing air quality using CAMS data 14:30 Coffee break |