Workshop – Copernicus Marine

Reykjavík, Thursday 3rd October 2024, 09:00-16:00 Cost: Free

Á vinnustofu um hafþjónustur Copernicuse verða kynningar frá notendum sem sýna raunveruleg tilfelli þar sem hafþjónustur Copernicus hafa verið notaðar. Þátttakendur taka þátt í lotum þar sem praktísk dæmi eru könnuð og þeir öðlast innsýn í hvernig þeir geta notað hafvöktunarverkfæri á árangursríkan hátt. Vinnustofan ýtir undir samstarf og miðlun á þekkingu sem gerir þátttakendum kleift að nýta hafþjónustur Copernicus á árangursríkan hátt fyrir eigin verkefni. 

The Copernicus Marine Workshop highlights local user presentations, demonstrating the practical use of Copernicus Marine data in various sectors. Attendees participate in hands-on sessions, exploring real-world examples and gaining practical experience with marine monitoring tools. The workshop encourages collaboration, enabling participants to effectively utilize Copernicus Marine services for their specific projects.

Webinar link:

09:00-09:10Welcome from organizers and housekeeping information 
09:10-10:15Presented by Mercator Ocean:
– Marine data ecosystem, services, and tools
– Marine toolbox
– Introduction to myOcean viewer and products
– Overview of eLearning platform
10:15-10:30Q&A and introduction of the next slot 
10:30-11:30Example showcase sessions 
10:30-10:45: Andreas Macrander – Hydrography and ocean currents around Iceland – observation programs of Hafrannsóknastofnun
10:45-11:00: Björn Erlingsson UW – Chlorophyll Biomass 
11:00-11:15: Rakel Óttarsdóttir HÍ – Marine Heat Wave 
11:15-11:30:  Viggó M Sigurðsson LHG – Security at Sea 
11:30-11:45Preparation for the practical part 
11:45-12:45Lunch break 
12:45-13:00Introduction to the Hands-On exercises 
13:00-16:00Hands-On exercise sessions 
Topic 1: Biogeochemical analysis of the sea
14:30-14:45: Coffee break 
Topic 2: Marine Heat Wave in Iceland