Reykjavík, Thursday 3rd October 2024, 09:00-16:00 Cost: Free
Á vinnustofu um hafþjónustur Copernicuse verða kynningar frá notendum sem sýna raunveruleg tilfelli þar sem hafþjónustur Copernicus hafa verið notaðar. Þátttakendur taka þátt í lotum þar sem praktísk dæmi eru könnuð og þeir öðlast innsýn í hvernig þeir geta notað hafvöktunarverkfæri á árangursríkan hátt. Vinnustofan ýtir undir samstarf og miðlun á þekkingu sem gerir þátttakendum kleift að nýta hafþjónustur Copernicus á árangursríkan hátt fyrir eigin verkefni.
Vinnustofan er skipulögð í samvinnu við Mercator Ocean og
Prófessor Angel Ruiz Angulo frá Háskóla Íslands.
The Copernicus Marine Workshop highlights local user presentations, demonstrating the practical use of Copernicus Marine data in various sectors. Attendees participate in hands-on sessions, exploring real-world examples and gaining practical experience with marine monitoring tools. The workshop encourages collaboration, enabling participants to effectively utilize Copernicus Marine services for their specific projects.
The workshop is organized in collaboration with Mercator Ocean and
Prof. Angel Ruiz Angulo from Háskóli Íslands.

Webinar link:
Time | Agenda |
09:00-09:10 | Welcome from organizers and housekeeping information |
09:10-10:15 | Presented by Mercator Ocean: – Marine data ecosystem, services, and tools – Marine toolbox – Introduction to myOcean viewer and products – Overview of eLearning platform |
10:15-10:30 | Q&A and introduction of the next slot |
10:30-11:30 | Example showcase sessions 10:30-10:45: Andreas Macrander – Hydrography and ocean currents around Iceland – observation programs of Hafrannsóknastofnun 10:45-11:00: Björn Erlingsson UW – Chlorophyll Biomass 11:00-11:15: Rakel Óttarsdóttir HÍ – Marine Heat Wave 11:15-11:30: Viggó M Sigurðsson LHG – Security at Sea |
11:30-11:45 | Preparation for the practical part with Simon Van Gennip |
11:45-12:45 | Lunch break |
12:45-13:00 | Introduction to the Hands-On exercises |
13:00-16:00 | Hands-On exercise sessions with Angel Ruiz Angulo Topic 1: Biogeochemical analysis of the sea 14:30-14:45: Coffee break Topic 2: Marine Heat Wave in Iceland |