Þessi vefsíða er studd af Caroline Herschel Rammasamstarfssamningi Evrópusambandsins um notendaviðtöku Copernicus samkvæmt styrktarsamningi nr. FPA 275/G/GRO/COPE/17/10042, verkefni FPCUP (Rammasamstarfssamningur um notendaviðtöku Copernicus), Aðgerð 2020-1-14 “Kynning á notkun Copernicus á Íslandi”.

This webpage is supported by the European Union’s Caroline Herschel Framework Partnership Agreement on Copernicus User Uptake under grant agreement No FPA 275/G/GRO/COPE/17/10042, project FPCUP (Framework Partnership Agreement on Copernicus User Uptake), Action 2020-1-14 “Promoting Use of Copernicus in Iceland”.
Read more here: https://www.copernicus-user-uptake.eu/